Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
In this section, we have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions we have gathered from participants who have attended previous Summits. Please, if you have any question or concerns, contact us at https://earlychildhoodsummit.org/contact-us.
More information will be added as needed.
Contact: info@earlychildhoodsummit.org
LOGGING INTO WHOVA -- https://whova.com/portal/ecesu_202302/
Download and log into the Whova app to:
- View the event agenda and plan your personal schedule
- Access documents and slides shared by organizers or speakers (Coming soon!)
- Find who else is attending this event and reach out to people ahead of time
- Plan social activities such as a morning run, coffee hours, or meet-ups with fellow attendees. You can even post job openings.
- Receive updates such as last-minute session changes from the organizers
Do you need DHS/Keystone STARS (PQAS) credit?
Workshops conducted at the Early Childhood Summit meet the guidelines for Department of Human Services (DHS) hours and Keystone STARS professional development activity credits. Attendees who want DHS/STARS (PQAS) credits will need to know their PD Registry # to ensure that their individual history is updated in the PA Key database.
Do you need Act 48 Credit?
Act 48 requires all Pennsylvania educators holding Pennsylvania public school certification to earn 180 hours of continuing professional education every five years to maintain active status. One credit equals 30 hours. All credits and hours must be related to an educator‘s certification. Attendees may earn Act 48 hours towards their PA Professional I or II Certification. If you do not hold Pennsylvania public school certification, you do not need Act 48 credit.